Tuesday Aug 6, 2013

*An RSVP is required no later than 10PM the previous night for 5AM "Olympic Lifting" AND "On-Ramp" classes


7 Rounds for Total Reps:

2 min AMRAP:
  • 30 Double Unders
  • 7 C2B Pullups
  • ME Burpees
  • *Rest 1 min after each round

Olympic Lifting

Snatch grip shrug (1x3) from the hip, mid-thigh & above knee.

Snatch grip high pull (1x3) from the hip, mid-thigh & above knee.

Muscle snatch (1x3) from the hip, mid-thigh & above knee.

Snatch Press (1x3) receive in quarter squat, half squat & full squat.

Squat Snatch (1x3) from the hip received in the quarter squat, from the mid-thigh received in the half squat & from above the knee received in full squat.

* Perform 3 reps in each position with barbell, no added weight.

If time remaining, EMOM for 7 minutes: 2 hang snatch at 50% 1RM.

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