Monday February 25, 2013


*Carrying/Holding a 25-45lb plate the entire WOD

For Time:
  • 100m Shuttle Run (50m down, 50m back)
  • 70 Squats
  • 100m Shuttle Run (50m down, 50m back)
  • 35 Push Press
  • 100m Shuttle Run (50m down, 50m back)
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 100m Shuttle Run (50m down, 50m back)
  • 35 Sumo Hi Pulls
  • 100m Shuttle Run (50m down, 50m back)
  • Drop Plate and perform 70 Double Unders
  • 100m Shuttle Run (50m down, 50m back)

* If you drop the plate at any point, besides the last 70 double unders and 100m shuttle, it is 10 Burpees.


For Total Time and Rounds:

400M Run

15 Minute AMRAP:
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 10 Burpee Box Jumps
  • 10 Pullups

*everyone will begin at the same time and run 400m. When the athlete gets in from the run they will look at the clock and perform the 15 minute amrap.
Eg: 400m run takes 4 minutes, AMRAP will end at 19:00 minutes.

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