Thursday Jan 24, 2013


A. 3x3 Clean Hi Pulls (heaviest possible-Rest 60s)

B. 3x3 Push Press(heaviest possible- Rest 60s)

*Perform A, rest 60s, Perform B, rest 60s. Continue until all 3 sets of each movement are complete.


With a 10 Minute running clock:

5 Min Amrap of:
  • 3 Bear Complex(95/135)
  • 5 Over the Bar Burpees
  • 10 Box Jumps

With remaining 5 Min Run 800M and rest with what is left.

With a 5 Minute running clock:

2:30 Min Amrap of:
  • 3 Bear Complex(95/135)
  • 5 Over the Bar Burpees
  • 10 Box Jumps

With remaining 2:30 Min Run 400M and rest with what is left.

*1 and 2 are performed back to back with no rest in between the 10 minute clock and 5 minute clock.


  • Shoulder series (Press, Push Press, Push Jerk)
  • Squat series (Back, Front, Overhead)

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